Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Rant About My Name

Now can I just explain to you how simple my name is.  There are seven letters, but there are no tricks

(for example la-a, ladasha).  My name is straight to the point and does not have much variety, yet so

many people still manage to pronounce my name wrong.  I can understand misspelling my name, but

don't add extra vowels to my name when you say it.  I would tell you my name, but that is not the

point of this post.  I suggest to anyone with illiterate qualities to pick up a book that has been

translated from another language and figure out the foreign names, then come back to my name and

realize it's simple.  I can tell you that all the seniors at my school no longer know my proper name

because they heard someone mispronounce it at an important event.  If I was patient I would correct

all of them, but I'm not patient so whatever. Just know seniors I laugh at you every time you say my

name wrong.

True Predictions!

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