Friday, September 11, 2015


Okayyyyy, this post will be short and sweet with a little romance to kindle the moods for anyone curious about syllabus week of college/university.  For this semesters classes, I endured two classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, three classes on Wednesday, and one class on Friday.  Mondays and Wednesdays are my favorite, not because of the classes, but because of who is in them.  I will come back to the who after I finish the what.  The classes seem relaxed and chill, but that makes sense since I am a communications major.  The work is actually easier than high school and more interesting than extracurriculars, which is saying something.  Ok, now onto the "romance."  I met this guy the third day of orientation week because he helped my mother bring the rest of my bags to my room.  My mother thought she saw a spark in his eye when he saw me.  I think my mother is hilarious.  Just for the record, almost every guy at my university is extremely attractive.  So this same guy is in one of my classes that meet Mondays and Wednesdays, which explains my love for those days.  So we kind of formed a bond in the second class this past Wednesday and the following Thursday I received the biggest hug of all time.  A hug literally means nothing, but this was the first hug from that I received from a guy in a very long time and also it was from a guy that I genuinely appreciated (the crush is starting to form).  I literally cannot stop thinking about that hug.  IT WAS JUST A HUG..., but it was warm and comfortable and lovely.  Needless to say, I am excited for Monday.  I don't want to get my hopes up, but I can't help myself.  My advice is to not feel like all of the guys in college/university want sex because not all of them do.  You just have to look in the right place for the right guy and even then you may not find a guy like that in your first year anyway.

True predictions!

P.S.  Keep updated because we (including myself) would love to see how that romance kindles or dies out throughout my college/university experience.

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